The Boy's newest interest has been words that rhyme. He makes up words to get rhymes. Not surprising his favorite book of late has been, Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess. We read it about 3 times every day. It was inevitable that one day he would ask to eat green eggs and ham. That day was today.
The Boy is a pretty picky eater and I honestly thought he would have issues eating the green eggs, not so! He ate every bite! Got to love children's literature! Thank you, Dr. Suess!
Last April I took the kids to a park to enjoy the warming weather. The Boy was still pretty new to potty training and needed to go. This particular park has no bathrooms so I asked if he could wait until we got home. His desperate look told me he was about to burst. There was no one else in the park, I allowed him to use a tree. It obviously had quite an impression as, seven months later, I have the following conversation with him...
The Boy: When I get big enough I will have my own house. Me: Yep, when you are big enough you can have your own house. The Boy: And my house won't have ANY pottys! Me: What will you do if you have to go potty?
* a thougtful pause* The Boy: I will have one tree!
This morning I found The Boy in front of the bathroom mirror making faces. After watching for a while I asked what he was doing. "Mommy, I got a dimple, see!" He gives me a very cheesy smile and his dimple appears.
Look out, ladies, he's got a dimple and he's figured out how to use it!
Halloween is a lot more fun with kids. For Family Home Evening we carved our jack-o-lanterns. This is a scared and a happy face, per The Boy's request. For the big night The Boy was a dragon and The Queen was a princess, though we had many guesses for The Boy as a dinosaur and The Queen as either an angel or a fairy.
The Boy was very excited as soon as our next door neighbor handed him a candy bar and he really enjoyed ringing doorbells and yelling, "trick-or-treat" before anyone could open the door. The Queen was excited as soon as she found out what was inside the wrapper. As much as he enjoyed trick-or-treating himself, The Boy loved handing candy out to all of our trick-or-treaters. The doorbell would ring and he would yell, "I coming!" Then he would open the door and hold the bowl so everyone could choose a treat, saying "Trick-or-treat! I got some treats, they are suckers." As they would leave, "Thanks for coming!"