Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday: guy night

Tuesday nights are Neesha's nights out. Tuesday nights are the Guys' nights in. Most every Tuesday, Neesha goes out with the Relief Society presidency to visit sisters in the ward, and twice a month they have a meeting afterward to talk about the things that warrant talking about. These same nights I get The Boy all to myself and we share some genuine, high quality, unadulterated, one-on-one Man Time. I think I get the better end of the deal.

Tonight we puttered. I put some new glass shades on the vanity lighting in the master bath and fixed a couple of dings in the walls.The Boy , meanwhile, fixed the toilet, the shower, the shower curtain, and a bottle of lotion. Impressively, he did it all with the same tool: a stubby, no. 2 phillips screwdriver. The kid is a natural DIYer.

Afterward, we built towers with his over-sized blocks while listening to the sort of music reserved for when Mommy is not in the house. I showed him the importance of alternating the seams in your blocks as you build upward and of having a wide base for a low center of gravity. He then very patiently showed me why my his method of building was preferable, in that his towers were easier to knock down than mine and why else would you build a tower in the first place?

The night ended exactly as all such nights should. We curled up in the rocking chair with Teddy Bear, a blanket, and a good book (The Little Mouse, the Red, Ripe Strawberry, and the Big, Hungry Bear). The Boy was asleep before the mouse disguised the strawberry with a pair of glasses.


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