Monday, June 09, 2008

A simple ulnar fracture - what a way to start the summer!

So Caleb decided to have one last hurrah in his crib. He climbed in, jumped around for a bit, and then fell out. Yes, his elbow is broken. Yes, it took us three days to get him in to have it x-rayed. Yes, the guilt is terrible. But, after five hours of doctor's offices, three forms, three sets of x-rays, a radiologist, a pediatrician, an orthopedic surgeon, and dozens of medical assistants, Caleb is now sporting a new, blue, fiberglass cast (which gets to stay as clean and as dry as possible for four weeks - right).

Here's hoping we survive it!


Katherine said...

He doesn't look any worse for wear - just as cute as ever!

Keeping it clean 4 weeks? I'm curious about keeping it clean for 4 days - this weekend in particular while in the mountains.....

Tiffany said...

Oh poor boy! Good luck Neesha!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sad it's broken! I can't believe it. He was being so good about using it without crying. I am so sorry! I wonder what color that cast will be by the end of the week. Good luck!