Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Our Pagan Festival

Last night we renewed our pagan tradition celebrating the bountiful (or Centerville) tomato(e) harvest. I tried to convince Neesha that we should sacrifice a virgin this year, but she felt that would be a bad idea. In lieu thereof we had family over for dinner and the guests of honor were Grandma and Grandpa. Neesha made some lasagna for dinner and all in all I think it was a pleasant evening.

The night's center ring was dominated, of course, by Caleb and Austyn. I think it remarkable how patient four-year-old Austyn is with her 20-month-old cousin, who just happens to be a boy. For Caleb's part, he seems to idolize her more each time he sees her. I just hope he always picks his role models so well.



Brandy said...

Thank you so much for letting us enjoy the evening with you. Austyn really did look forward to it all day. It is always so nice to spend time with you, you guys are great hosts! And thanks to Caleb who always provides hours of entertainment!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, yeah.

