Saturday, February 05, 2011

Stopping at Three

Last time I was pregnant, this happened...
This time around, we got this...
I think we'll stop at three kids, just to save The Boy's bones!

For those who don't know the story, he was jumping from a chair into a bean bag and landed wrong. We took him to the Kids Care on Saturday and they told us it was fine. Sunday they called back and said a specialist needed to take a look at it. On Monday the specialist told us that his tibia was, indeed, broken. It's not a bad break, but he's in a splint and on the couch for 2 1/2 weeks. Wish us luck!


Kristi said...

Oh my goodness!! I've never seen crutches so small. Poor little guy. You need to tell him he doesn't need to do that stuff just to get attention...just kidding!

Katherine said...

Oh I feel so sad!
I spoke with Mark on Saturday after you got the "everything is okay" diagnosis. I'm sorry the follow-up was not good news.
Tell Caleb that aunt Kath loves him and his crutches are super cool!

Erin said...

I am so sorry. I hope everything worked out okay. Congrats on the little one in July. I am so excited for you guys.