Saturday, October 01, 2011


Our little Junebug is just over 3 months old.
She is so sweet. I love her shy smile.
She can get some giggles in too.
At three months, she...
Coos, smiles and giggles for Mommy, but reserves her best for Daddy.
Tolerates her baths and abhors her tummy time.
Loves, loves, LOVES her mobile (has literally spent up to 45 minutes just watching and talking to it).
Has a blinding bald spot on back.
Loves to be with people and likes to have them sing to her (she and The Queen get along pretty well).
Just can't get enough of our Junebug!


Talena said...

I know, I can't get enough of her either. So sweet.

Kristi said...

She is SUCH a cutie! Those pictures are darling. She's getting way too big. I can see how you can't get enough!!