Friday, March 30, 2012


The Boy asked about trees this morning, wondering why we like to have them around. Between bites of his breakfast (literally, as he had to take a bite before we would give him each example) we told him how trees provide clean air, shade, and beauty. We then started talking about the different animals that live in trees, such as squirrels and birds. Wanting to contribute, The Queen excitedly added 'monkeys' to the list as she went up the stairs.

Neesha: Fruit also grows on trees.
The Boy: Like what?
Neesha: Apples and oranges.
Mark: And bananas.
The Boy: And peaches?
The Queen (hollering from upstairs): And popcorn!

Time for the popcorn blossoms!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

She's SO cute! I can't remember if I told you what she said when she came over to Brooke's party. I had swirled icing on top of the cupcake cones to look like ice cream. I looked over and saw her licking the icing off and she said, "This is my favorite kind of ice cream." (in her cute little voice). Love it!