Saturday, April 19, 2008

"You Take Your Head Off One More Time, and I'll Take it Away From You"

Caleb wanted to play outside this afternoon. Being the good father that I am, I insisted that he put on his shoes or his sandals before doing so. Once that was finished, we had the following conversation.

Caleb: No jacket.
Me: Nope, you don't need to wear a jacket. It's warm outside, today.
Caleb: No coat.
Me: You don't have to wear a coat, either.
Caleb: Shirt, on.
Me: Yes, you do need to wear your shirt.
Caleb: Pants, on.
Me: Uh huh, pants too.
Caleb: Head, on.
Me (and Neesha who overheard the entire thing): *laughing uncontrollably as he walked out the door wearing his shirt and pants with his hands on top of his head*


1 comment:

Brandy said...

I think he's pretty smart. I know there are days when I feel like I've left the house without my head on!