Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Canadians Outwitted Us on Boxing Day

Rob: You taking any time off for Christmas?
Me: Yeah. I have PTO the two days after.
Rob: That's right. You guys don't get Boxing Day, do you?
Me: No. I think that is pretty much a Commonwealth thing. We're the revolutionaries, remember?
Rob: Sure, but while you were throwing off the yoke, you couldn't keep Boxing Day?
Me: I guess the Founding Fathers were too busy starting wars.
Rob: So why haven't you re-instituted it?
Me: Same reason, I suppose.
Rob: *chuckles*
Me: So what's the story with Boxing Day?
Rob: I don't know. I stay home and drink wine all day.

Something tells me I don't give Canadians enough credit.


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