Friday, May 09, 2008

To go up, you must push down

We have a fairly simple screen door on the front of our townhome. This in contrast to our main door, which I think is quite nice. But the screen door is your basic, straight up and down door with no protrusions or anything like unto them.

I left Caleb in the living room the other day while I went into the kitchen to keep Neesha company. As we were talking, I heard something bang against the screen door. My first thought was that Caleb has remembered how to open the door and was moving full speed across the lawn into the street where he would be run down by a little, blue-haired lady in a big, black Oldsmobile (we have a pluthra of those in our neighborhood). I ran from the kitchen to the living room, Ninja-Daddy to the rescue. To my relief, my little boy was still inside, and the screen door was still closed. The noise I heard? He was five feet up the screen door, using one hand to hold on to the top while the other was looking for a handhold on the door jam.

Me: ...?
Caleb: Oh, hi Daddy!
Me: How did you...I mean, that's a no!


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