Modern conveniences
We have a new microwave. Two weeks ago our old microwave started to turn on by itself, accompanied by a hot, electrical smell. Now, I'm not the most wild and crazy person in the world. I'd be willing to wager that no one has ever used the term "wild hair" and my name in the same sentence. However, even I can appreciate a measure of spontaneity. Just not in my kitchen appliances.
I had a little difficulty with the installation. It turns out that a height of 16.25" just isn't what it used to be. Looking back on it now, I realize my problems likely stemmed from the fact that I never donned my lucky ACE sweatshirt. What was I thinking?
So we have a new microwave. It works well, and looks much better than what was there before. I also think it goes well with our new stove, which we had to buy since one of the optional features of the old stove (namely, cooking) had stopped functioning.
The stove also goes very well with our new dishwasher, which we bought since the old one was full of rust (note: open the dishwasher when buying an existing home).
All three appliances go well with the new refrigerator we bought when we moved in, since we decided to leave ours when we sold our old place.
They also go well with the second refrigerator we bought since the first was too big to fit in the kitchen (feel free to insert your own "just right" joke here).
Unfortunately, this refrigerator does not go so well with our washer and dryer, which we bought since we included our previous machines in the sell of our old place.
I'm beginning to long for the days of wood-burning ovens and
I have to warn you.
When you buy all the appliances at the same time - they tend to all go out at the same time.
We've hit the 7 year mark (not you) in our home and that appears to be the manufacturers expiration on everything - from carpeting to dishwasher to springed hinges on doors.
Holy Crap!
I'm buying stock in GE tomorrow...
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